Castor Oil Packs: A Simple and Safe Home Remedy

Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil packs have been used since the time of Ancient Egypt and have many health benefits. Originally, Castor oil is derived from the bean plant ricinus communis, a flowering shrub. In the early days, Edgar Cayce, a late psychic healer has popularized its use through his readings. In trance, he was able to channel a higher being and answer questions on many topics including health problems. Thus, it was re-discovered that castor oil could help enhance the immune system. It can also improve circulation especially the lymphatic system. But one of its best properties is to decrease inflammation.

Practically, use castor oil to relieve muscle tensions, low back pain and arthritis. Apply it on the liver to help eliminate toxins from the body. It is a useful component during a detoxification program. Put it on the lower abdomen to shrink fibroid of the uterus. If needed, it can also relieve occasional constipation. Interestingly, castor oils can also benefit the skin and hair. Although the oil is quite thick, it can stimulate hair growth in patients suffering from alopecia. Moreover, castor oil can regrow eyelashes and relieve skin dryness. With so many uses, castor oil should be found in every household. Especially for anyone looking to treat his or her ailment naturally!

A Simple Way to Use Castor Oil Packs:

  • Rub castor oil on the affected area
  • Put a dry clean tower
  • Stack a hot pack onto it
  • Leave it for 20-30 minutes

See this video to learn about the traditional way of making a castor oil pack:


Warning: Castor oil should not be ingested orally. Do not use it on broken skin, during pregnancy, during menstruation or while breastfeeding.