Practical Tips to Treat Heartburn Naturally
Practical Tips to Treat Heartburn Naturally:
Heartburn is often characterized by a burning sensation behind the breastbone. It is also called gastrointestinal reflux (GERD). The lining of the esophagus is sensitive to low pH levels, so if acid enters this area, a feeling of discomfort results. This sensation is usually aggravated by spicy food or fatty meals. The following tips will improve your digestion if you are suffering from GERD.
Lifestyle Changes, a Major Factor :
First of all, change your habits! Avoid eating and working at the same time. Digestion is an active process that takes considerable amounts of energy. Unfortunately, in our fast-paced society, many of us have forgotten to take the time to have a proper meal.
Eating while reading impairs digestion. Most people are multitasking all the time, but researchers have found that this lowers productivity rather than improving it (1). Long term, it causes abdominal discomfort as well as heartburn.
Instead, allow your body to rest for at least 15 to 30 minutes after a meal. Avoid all electronic devices and take enough time to relax. Enjoy a good conversation with your family and friends. Drink a warm cup of tea. By taking the time to digest your food, you can prevent many digestive issues.
Which Herbal Tea Treats Heartburn?
Chamomile and peppermint are the most common herbal teas found in a household. But which one is the best?
For those who feel bloated after eating, consider chamomile tea. Chamomile helps soothe the lining of the stomach and the intestines. Infused chamomile can treat heartburn. It can also ease a patient’s suffering from Irritable Bowel Disease (2). This plant also calms the nervous system and decreases inflammation. Drink one cup of chamomile tea after a meal. It should help with GERD.
Peppermint is also a popular herb used to help digestion. It can improve bile flow and calm the stomach (3). Unfortunately, it can also relax the upper stomach sphincter. That is why it can be a contraindicator for individuals suffering from GERD. Avoid drinking peppermint tea if you suspect an aggravation of your heartburn.
In general, learn to slow down during your meals. Enjoy the foods that you eat. Always reduce any mental or physical activities around this time. Your digestive symptoms will improve right away by following these suggestions.
(1) American Psychological Association