past life

If you accidentally put your hand on a burning stove, you will immediately withdraw from it. Each day, your body sends signals asking you to pay attention. It can be a shoulder pain, bloating after a meal, or a headache that doesn’t go away.

Instead of ignoring these symptoms, why not pay attention to them? They are often an entry point to a healing journey that is waiting to unfold.

For most lightworkers, past life and karma are familiar concepts. Unfortunately, there is often a disconnection between the knowledge acquired and the practical application of this information.

If you look deep into the root cause of your health problems, you will find that they may stem from unresolved traumatic events you’ve experienced in a distant past life.

Working on this karmic baggage becomes imperative if you want to heal completely. Delaying your healing journey can backfire and make it more difficult to rid yourself of an illness. On the other hand, if you start early, your chances of improving your health can increase tremendously.

The soul may be eternal, but the physical body is not. We have the duty to safeguard our souls and release all negative karmic contracts that may interfere with our well-being. This process is time-sensitive and depends on many factors.

Dr. Brian Weiss wrote in “Many Lives, Many Masters”: “a woman in her sixties was able to eliminate her severe back pain completely. […] After remembering a lifetime in ancient Jerusalem, when she had been a man whose back had been broken by Roman soldiers, her back pain disappeared and has never returned.”

What can your body tell you about your life experience in other lifetimes? Would you like to know?

An exhilarating future is awaiting those who focus on creating a better outcome for themselves. Resistance, fear, doubt, and excuses will always come up. It’s a natural defence mechanism because the Ego does not like the unknown. But being comfortable with the pain and living with a health problem that doesn’t go away can cost more in the end.

An awakened soul does not shy away from responsibility. So take a deep breath, step up, and make healing a priority in this lifetime. You will be rewarded with longevity, abundance, and joy!

Dr. Anh Linh Nguyen

PS: Heal your life’s issues in a unique way by requesting help from the divine realm. To learn more about this opportunity, email me at: