Healing Through the Divine Realm.
Are you a health-conscious and intuitive person who is struggling to heal your current health issues? For many years, you’ve worked with medical doctors and seen holistic practitioners. You are knowledgeable and live a healthy lifestyle.
Perhaps, you’ve even tried to work on yourself using the modalities that you’ve learned, yet you are not getting a breakthrough. No matter what you try, you feel like your prayers have not been answered.
If that sounds familiar, I’m inviting you to schedule a free 1 to 1 strategy session to get clarity on how what is missing in your journey.
As a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and certified healer, I’ve helped many people treat the root cause of their health problems so they can finally heal and find answers as to why they have been struggling for so long.
It’s not the lack of information out there, but too many modalities available and no specific steps geared towards a clear goal. I’ll make sure you leave the call with the missing pieces of the puzzle so you can get a fresh perspective on your path.
The current healthcare system does not acknowledge that the root cause of your illness may be due to karma. If you have been diagnosed with a medical problem and you are asking yourself “why me”? Know that you are not to be blamed for these health issues.
You can request healing through the divine realm for your health concerns no matter how severe they are. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is a unique high-level prayer that takes into account other sources of negativity not addressed by either conventional or alternative medicine.
If you are open to receiving divine assistance, contact me to learn more. Here are the benefits that you may experience:
- Improved mental clarity, mood, and energy.
- Inner peace and enhanced well-being in your daily lives.
- Assistance from the divine realm and Creator to heal your health issues.
- Better intuitive reach and increased lifespan.
- Improvement of your symptoms.
- Healing of traumatic events you have experienced in this life (accident, loss, abuse, divorce, etc).
- Attenuation of side effects done by invasive medical procedures such as surgery and anesthesia.
- Manifesting abundance in all aspects of your life.
What’s unique about this Protocol:
- Healing is performed by the divine realm, not the practitioner.
- We remove dark energies that may affect your well-being.
- Healing is not limited to this life but applied to all your previous lifetimes.
- Healing is applied on all levels of your being: mental, emotional, energetic, and physical.
I’m interested, what’s next? Step 1: Watch my videos to learn more about this Protocol. Step 2: Book a discovery call to discuss your health concerns.
Disclaimer: The healing modality known as the “Lightworker Healing Protocol” (LHP) and other distance healing modalities associated with the LHP do not fall within the scope of practice of naturopathy or naturopathic medicine. These healing services cannot be claimed by any insurance company. No guarantee is offered. The practitioner does not claim to cure any illnesses with the use of the LHP.
New Services:
Energetic Rebalancing, Distance Healing & Karmic Repair Through All Time Domains.
Please note that the following services are NOT included in a standard naturopathic consultation. This work is considered Spiritual and complementary to conventional and holistic care.
Lightworker Healing Protocol for People, Pets, Locations, and Spirit Rescues.
Certified Practitioner: Dr. Anh Linh Nguyen
We work with Source Creator and the Divine Realm to heal and bless people, pets, and physical locations. We pray for deceased loved ones to safely journey back to the Light.
All steps of the Protocol involve direct requests to Source Creator to address issues present in this lifetime which extends healing to all past and future lives as well as their extensions. A clearing session can be requested for yourself, someone else, or a pet.
We always ask permission from the client’s Higher Self to apply the Protocol on his or her behalf. Physical locations can also be added. Healing is performed remotely and in a meditative state.
The Divine Realm protects the work being done against any outside influence or interference throughout the entire session. Angels and guardians are also called in to perform healing.
Part I. Comprehensive Removal of Dark Spirit Attachments and All Negativity: We ask Creator, Archangel Azrael, and the Divine Realm to remove:
- Negative Spirits, lost souls, lost soul hybrids, intermittent attackers, and foreign energy intruders
- High and low levels psychic attacks, curses, spells, projections, and dark energies
- Return all negative spirits to the light for healing and rehabilitation.
- Safeguard the transition process of the client upon passing so he or she can return to the Light.
We request the dissolution of the following:
- Oaths, vows, contracts, allegiances, promises, or agreements made in all time domains with outside agents or the client(s) and themselves
- Negative Karmic contracts
- Negative cords, thought forms, and free-floating memories
- We return missing or extra soul fragments that may arise from past trauma.
Part II. Client Healing Requests:
- Balance the Seven Chakras: We fill them with Divine Light and align them for ideal energetic equilibrium in accordance with the Creator’s Plan.
- Quantum Healing: This tool is designed to correct problems throughout time. Quantum Healing can also bring new energetic well-being from the future and install it not only in this lifetime but throughout all parallel lives.
- We send a quantum bubble of love to the client’s unborn selves across all time domains as a source of unconditional love and nourishment. This request helps cushion the trauma of the newborn when he or she enters the Earth plane.
- Soul Reawakening: We fill the soul with divine healing white light so it can return to a state of grace prior to disappointment and trauma.
- Soul Matrix Healing: This complex and powerful tool takes into account the point of origin of client issues and the many sources of influencers. It includes healing of family members, people, the Akashic records, and other life forms that may have impacted the clients, including the perpetrators. The Divine Realm knows best the inter-dimensional roles played by each agent.
Soul Matrix Healing also includes:
- Removal of any negative effects of medication, surgery, and invasive medical procedures.
- Negative effects of electromagnetic fields, heavy metals, and other harmful substances found at toxic levels in the body.
- Removal from the body of harmful viruses and other organisms.
- Blessing of the air, food, and beverages.
- Restoration of a healthy equilibrium in the body.
- Creation of an ideal nutritional balance including removal of excess caloric intake.
- Restoration of the cells of the body to a natural state of homeostasis.
Part III: Install Divine Ultimate Protection Tools:
- Request active protection from accidents and illness.
- Repair karmic vulnerability.
- Request the guides and the Higher Self to ward off clients from energetic attacks.
- Protect against detrimental subconscious programming.
- Install an invisibility cloak to protect the client from any outside attacks in the physical and astral plane.
Part IV. Repair Requests:
1) Repair of connection to Higher Self: allow unrestricted flow of love and light between the client and his or her Higher-self.
2) Repair and protection of the deep subconscious.
3) Repair deep subconscious and karmic issues.
4) Repair of thought plane, Akashic records, and the collective unconscious.
Part V: Request Active Intervention on clients’ behalf and their issues.
A series of requests are made asking the spirit guides and guardians of the client to be proactive in this client’s lifetime. Requests are being made to help him or her heal their “shadow self” or any disconnections resulting from past traumas. Part VI: Consult the Client’s Higher Self (optional) Part VII: Heart Connection & Heart Harmonization (optional: upon client request). The client can request to bring into loving balance a relationship with someone or a family member.
Reference: All steps of this Protocol are based on the intuitive work of Karl Mollison. Karl Mollison. Lightworker Healing Protocol for Spirit Removal and Rescue, Energetic Rebalancing, Karmic Repair, and Distance Healing. 2020-3 Get-Wisdom.com LLC
Who is this for?
- You believe in Creator and the Divine Realm.
- You would like to add a spiritual aspect to healing.
- You suspect your current health conditions might be due to karma.
- You have tried other forms of spiritual work including alternative healing but did not get complete resolutions of your issue(s).
Who is this not for?
- You expect instant results.
- You plan to substitute spiritual and energetic work for medical or holistic care.
- You are skeptical about remote healing.
- You are not ready to partake in your own healing.
I’ve been processing a lot of karma, resistance, and negative feelings recently with the journey and the work required to show up with consistency, true integrity, and order after unhealthy choices in the past.
Though I still have intrusion and addictive issues, I’m being guided to accept and slow down, not make everything too serious about me, and not forcing in my desired outcomes. I recognize that my own behaviors perpetuate these issues and it is not a problem with the LHP.
My experience with the LHP through Anh Linh has been helpful in helping me open and expand my understanding of the layers of Spiritual workings of the Universe, to help in clearing up issues in my being, and to come closer to oneness in my relations, inner and outer worlds. I came to her for help with negative energies and interferences, and I received some guidance and relief for moving forwards afterwards. She is a helpful and compassionate facilitator and naturopath who has continued to inspire my journey with her attentiveness, diligence, and loving kindness.
Thank you Dr. Anh,
May God-Source continue to bless and support you and your loved ones x
– Toronto, Canada May 28th, 2021
“I had recently rescued a little dog from a bad situation. She was terrified of everything, people, dogs, children, birds and noises. It was very sad and as I lived in a condo it was also quite difficult to avoid running into her many fears whenever we went outside. I wanted her quality of life to improve so I tried Lightwork Healing Protocol Session, hoping for any change. It took a few months but she can now go outside to do her business and we even go for walks in the nearby park, which she loves. She is now smelling the grass which she never used to do, and looking around at the area. She even checks out other dogs from a distance. I think her quality of life has increased considerably, and she is living her best life which is all i wanted for her. I am very pleased with the result”.
-April o3, 2021. Toronto, CA
“My granddaughter has Autism and it is difficult for her to remain calm or concentrate on anything very long. It is quite disruptive for everyone including her as it will escalate if it goes unchecked. I had signed her up for a Lightwork Healing Protocol Session, hopeful that it would help her. Within a few days of the procedure the family saw a difference in her behaviour, she seemed much calmer, she would sit and look at pictures in a book or watch something on her Ipad for long periods, which was difficult for her before that. It has been a couple of months now and she hasn’t reverted back to her old ways. We are very pleased with the results, as any little change for her makes a big difference”.
– April 03, 2021.Toronto, CA.
“I made a few requests for my dog, not really knowing what to expect, and got great results. It’s fascinating to see how things pan out in the weeks following my requests.
I also asked for help with his reactive temperament towards other dogs. Coincidentally, a new free course on dog training made its way to me and I decided to listen to it. I haven’t consciously applied any of the techniques yet, but I noticed a big difference in my dog’s reaction to other dogs. They are not as intense and frequent as they used to be.